DSCI 473 - Introduction to Geometric Data Analysis

Time and Location: Jan 21 - Mar 16

Office Hours: MW 11:00am-11:50am in Weber 129


Tentative Schedule:

Week 1:

Lecture: Course overview and introduction to geometric data analysis. [Notes]

Lab 1: Python setup and introduction to python and numpy. [Jupyter Notebook]

Homework 1

Week 2:

Lecture: The singular value decomposition and low rank approximations. [Notes]

Lab 2: SVD and low rank approximations in python. [Jupyter Notebook]

Homework 2

Week 3:

Lecture: Principal components analysis. [Notes]

Lab 3: PCA in python. lJupyter Notebook]

Homework 3

Week 4:

Lecture: Clustering. [Notes]

Lab 4: Clustering in python. [Jupyter Notebook]

Homework 4

Week 5:

Lecture: Multidimensional Scaling. [Notes]

Lab 5: MDS in python. [Jupyter Notebook]

Homework 5

Week 6:

Lecture: Graph Laplacians and Laplacian eigenmaps. [Notes]

Lab 6: Laplacian eigenmaps in python. [Jupyter Notebook]

Homework 6

Week 7:

Lecture: Geometric classification: support vector machines and linear discriminant analysis . [Notes]

Lab 7: SVM and LDA in python. [Jupyter Notebook]

Homework 7

Week 8: Final presentations, in Clark C 361 (the usual classroom) [Final Presentation Guidlines]

Tuesday Mar 11: Review/work on projects

Thursday Mar 13, 9:30am-10:45am: Final presentations

Friday Mar 14, 10-10:50am: Final presentations